The Cracker Swamp 1200k is returning November 4-7, 2021 starting at 4:00 AM EST
Time Limit: 90 hours
Ride Cost: In Progress…
Same great place, same great people, same great food, same great spirit, new great route! No hurricanes since we have moved back into November.
Ride start is at the Comfort Inn, Tavares, Florida, new home of Central Florida Randonneurs. This is the original hub-and-spoke 1200k. You will return to the same place each night. Bring the kitchen sink and stash it in your room.
Registration opens
Spring 2021

Comfort Inn, Tavares, Florida
Included in your entry fee is FIVE nights’ lodging at the Comfort Inn in Tavares. We cover the night before the ride through the end of the ride – November 4-8.
You will share a room with a roommate who you may choose at registration time, but not a bed. We won’t mix sexes unless you are requesting it.
Your room will be issued at rider-check-in and you’ll have it for the duration of the ride. Bring whatever you want and leave it in the room. Please contact me if you would like to arrive earlier or stay later at the host hotel, and I will make the arrangements with the hotel.

Food and Amenities
You will not starve
The entry fee includes breakfast and dinner during the ride (e.g., all food at the overnight controls) and a pre- and post-event get-together. You’re on your own for all meals on the route (other than at the overnight controls). There will be vegetarian and gluten-free options.
There will be a huge party both before and after this ride of course along with your choice of beverage – beer, not beer, and single malt scotch

Your guess?
Typical temperatures are 60F to 85F (16C to 29C). Central Florida has two seasons: “wet” and “dry.” The transition between the two occurs sometime in October. Weather can be anywhere from hot and humid with monsoon-like thunderstorms (think Bangalore), to mild with perfect blue-bird skies and very low humidity (think San Diego). All-day rain is rare.
We will ride in any weather short of a hurricane and the move to November makes this less likely.

New for 2021!
We will still have a series of 4 loops but they will be going to different places! Expect to see both the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico as well as inland lakes, wetlands, classic old-world Florida, and much more!
Elevation will be similar to 2016 at around ~9,000 feet (2,700 meters). You can count on going up Sugarloaf at least once on this ride so the steepest climb is still ~11% and is 150 vertical feet (46m).
Days will be split at around 400/300/300/200 per day.

Qualifying for the ride
You can qualify in 3 ways:
(1) Full ACP brevet series in 2021; or
(2) completion of 1200K; or
(3) permission of the ride organizer: Demonstrate that you know what you’re getting into and have the capacity to complete the ride safely and within time. Prior randonneuring or ultra-distance cycling experience may be accepted in lieu of (1) or (2).
Entry and Qualification Deadline: October 4, 2021
Rider Limit is 80
Consistent with the self-supported ethos of randonneuring on-route, non-neutral support is forbidden. Those with support may take it only at the controls, and support vehicles will need to be registered and must remain off the route (a separate vehicular route between the controls will be provided). The event will have a roving support vehicle with basic tools and the ability to assist with riders’ minor mechanical problems. More robust tools and talent will be available at the start/finish/overnights. There is also a bike shop less than a mile from the start/finish/overnight that can assist, if needed, in getting riders back on the road. You should be prepared for the logistics and expense of returning yourself and your bicycle to the start/finish in the event that you abandon the event on the course.
- $50 non-refundable out of the gate,100% of the remainder refundable through March 31, 2021
- 75% remaining balance through June 30, 2021
- 50% of the remainder refundable through August 31, 2021
- After September 1 – nothing refundable!
Once the rider cap of 80 has been reached, the waitlist will open. No payment is required to be on the waitlist. As people’s plans change and spaces open, riders will be contacted in order. Once a slot is open, I’ll contact you with payment instructions. Your odds of getting in are good, so don’t be shy.
In the randonneur spirit, we will ride rain-or-shine, but we’re not going to ride in a hurricane or if one is bearing down on us. We reserve the right to change or cancel the event due to circumstances beyond our control that arise, without liability. Travel insurance for such eventualities is strongly recommended.
Riders are expected to adhere to rules outlined here.
This Grand Randonneé is sanctioned and will be homologated by les Randonneurs Mondiaux and Randonneurs USA. A finish medal will be provided for those completing the ride – it’s super cool as usual.

Opens Spring 2021Be sure to read the refund policy and know what you are doing before you sign up. Payment is through PayPal or a major credit card